Here is a ‘short list’ of important actions to take immediately after the moment of death of a loved one or patient. ArrangementsIf you haven’t already, locate the deceased’s Advance Directive for Health Care or its equivalent. Copies of this may be at the deceased’s home. Check on their fridge where some may post a note telling...
Question:I know death is inevitable, but I’m still so scared of it to the point where I have anxiety attacks. How do I stop this? Answers: Angelo –In our fear, we think that we are snuffed out by death. Such fearful anticipation is the result of a failure to observe the death process in others...
We’re initiating this blog on death and dying by addressing one of the most common circumstances we run into when talking with people about a person nearing the death transition. The question is a variation on the following: “My father is in his last stages and doesn’t want to talk about funeral and burial arrangements,...
Watch our Free online webinar based on the book Easy Death and presented by Angelo Druda. More Info…
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An ADIDAM™ Practical Wisdom Website
This blog provides answers based on the wisdom found primarily in Spiritual Teacher Adi Da Samraj’s masterwork, Easy Death, and on the experience and practical information acquired by the Adidam Death and Dying Ministry from years of serving people who are dying or have died.