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Death and Dying Wisdom

Questions and Answers About Death and Dying

Category: Preparing for Death

Question: I am sometimes asked, “How can one surrender into the death process when there is still some possibility of cure? Shouldn’t one seek for a cure as long as possible?” Answer: Many people face this dilemma when they’ve been diagnosed with a potentially fatal illness. Adi Da did not expect his devotees to simply...

Question: What does it mean to enter into retreat mode, as it says in the Death and Dying Check List? Answer: Avatar Adi Da has said that if someone is dying and their condition is clearly terminal, they should use their time intensively for real preparation and not just be busy being socially and conventionally...

On our last webinar, February 11, we answered the following question:I have a friend who is clearly in the dying process. She has cancer and has been getting progressively weaker despite all sorts of treatments. But she refuses to consider that she will not recover. How can I break through her denial? Answer: The need for...

Question:My father is at the end of his life. I expect he will die before Christmas. He is not a devotee of Adi Da, but I am. How can I best serve my father at the moment of dying, if I can be with him, and the 3 days after his dying? My father is...

Question:I know death is inevitable, but I’m still so scared of it to the point where I have anxiety attacks. How do I stop this? Answers: Angelo –In our fear, we think that we are snuffed out by death. Such fearful anticipation is the result of a failure to observe the death process in others...